March 10, 2014

Slough Feg cannot resist everything digital as they disseminate Digital Resistance

 Slough Feg/Digital Resistance (2014)-Review:
[Album Rating: Near-Classic 9/10.]
[Country: USA. Genre: Heavy Metal.]

Friends, Slough Feg have produced a fine slab for their new label Metal Blade. This comes as no surprise to anyone because EVERYONE falls into one of two categories: (A) Person knows about Slough Feg and their extended history of tasty, cerebral classic heavy metal -- thus there is no surprise upon hearing a groovy set of SF tunes like this one; OR (B) Person does not know about heavy metal at all and thus would express only confusion, not surprise, when informed that The Lord Weird Slough Feg has assembled another rip-roaring kick-ass romp of metallic proportions.

The fact that this album is available digitally (and we actually purchased it digitally) presents only a slight setback en route to the greater goal of resisting the digital takeover of our lives. Scalzi & Company have a clever concept behind this album, making an appeal for sanity that almost no one ever makes anymore...

At the very least do not insanely multi-task when listening to this album! If tweeting, selfie-ing, and Facebooking your March Madness partialities must be done, honor the creators and please complete those crucial actions when this tape/vinyl/MP3 is not running! 

In a nutshell: Digital Resistance is a particularly tightly crafted album -- at its very best on resident scorchers such as Laser Enforcer which features cascading riffage that will leave you at once satisfied and clawing for more.